Creating videos on your phone can be a very inexpensive solution for capturing your message or event and posting it on social media. Here are four techniques that can keep your video looking and sounding more professional.
1. Lighting: All video needs to have proper lighting if you want your viewers to see your content as high-end and authentic. Good video is a perception of the reality that you want to share with others. Make sure you are in a well-lit space and keep the brightest light behind the camera. Shooting into a bright light source makes it difficult to see your subject. Without proper lighting, your viewers become distracted by the poor quality and less focused on your message, making your video less engaging.
2. Use a Tripod: There is nothing more distracting and painful to watch than the individual who cannot hold a steady camera. Without a tripod your best chance of having a steady shot is to use both hands but even then it becomes difficult. Recording video seems so simple but we underestimate the skill level it takes to hold our camera’s steady and keeping the essential elements in the frame. Spending $25 to $50 on a tripod will ensure a steady shot and help you to focus on framing your shot in the most effective manner
3. Don’t shoot vertical Video: With the exception of some social media platforms, every other display that we use to watch video is a horizontal 16 x 9 aspect ratio. It is important to consider your audience and the platforms used to present your video. Your safest bet will be to turn your phone horizontally when recording from your mobile device.
4. Recording good audio: Last but not least, consider the environment you are in prior to recording with your mobile device. We live in a noisy world and when you start listening to your surroundings prior to recording you will be incredibly surprised at how often someone or something is creating unwanted noise. If possible, try to find a place where the unwanted noise is at a minimum. Be patient and wait for the noise to subside prior to recording your video. Always keep your mobile device as close to your subject as possible. This will help their audio to be the focal point of your video.
These simple suggestions will help you create videos that are much easier to watch and help you to achieve the greater possibility of creating an engaging video for your audience. Want to know more? Give me a call.